Thursday 4 February 2016


Ive had my biopsy!! Yay!!
I was anxious. Who wouldn't be? Its the fear of the unknown. Strangely i didn't have any night terrors. I haven't had any for a few weeks now.  Bonus! I think after weeks of stress you seem to level out and deal with it.
I took the executive decision in the morning to not take my aspirin, bleeding to death during a NHS procedure is never good and you never know when the blood will be cleaned up!
My friend Phil came to my house and we sat drinking coffee (even better, no nil by mouth for this biopsy) and we had a good rant about stupid people who have crossed our paths. Mr and Mrs Intolerant from Botley and Bournemouth, respectively.
We set off after we had both said our piece and headed for the hospital. On the way i popped 10 mg valium, something i would have done earlier if i could have. My stress would have been lessened if id taken one in the morning. My stress would have been lessened if id taken one the night before. My stress would have been see where I'm going here. One tablet 3 times a day would have lessened my stress no end. It would also have made me an addict.
But this one was my ultimate life saver. I had visions of me laying on the couch, oblivious to the radiologist and whatever he was doing to me. And thats the way i like it.
So within 15 minutes i was feeling remarkably chilled.
Managed to find the Ultra Sound department. The staff there were lovely. So friendly. I was ushered into a cubicle and left Phil in the waiting room reading Womans Realm!
The valium didn't make it easy to don my gown and robe and tie the ribbons to ensure everything stayed hidden underneath, but i didn't really care.....
I was led into the treatment room to find the radiologist and what seemed to be a trainee radiologist! Just my luck. Someone practising on me.
The cold gel was squirted onto the offending area and the paddle (if thats what you call it) was pressed firmly to find the enlarged gland.
The next discussion was about furniture arranging so as to be able to access the gland with the needle with the stronger hand (she was left handed) whilst still guiding the US paddle so as to see where she was going, with the other hand.
All organised, she went in with the local anaesthetic, the bit i was dreading. It was nothing! I think I'm still numb there from the last op. So that was a result.
'Make a little nick in the skin.' he told her. Easy for him to say!
'Now insert the biopsy needle.'
'Mind that,' he said with a little frown.
That'll be my artery i thought, i was right!
The lovely girl managed to guide the needle through the flotsam and jetsam to reach the gland.
'Now you have to push the needle through the capsule of the gland. You will hear a pop as it goes through,' he said.
He was talking to her, but we both heard the pop, and i 'felt' it too. It wasn't painful, but weird. She then clicked the biopsy needle and whipped it out and put it in formalin. Then went in for a second biopsy. The same technique but entering a different spot, and another 'pop', and that was it!
A bit of pressure, but no pain at all. A waste of a valium tablet, id say!

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