Sunday 29 November 2015


Ive been thinking (always dangerous), whilst talking to Princess Oogag over coffee and a pastry, we discussed a bag for life. As you all know, you can't go anywhere without one these days. Its one of the most important things in our lives. If the bag is in fact,  'for life', could i have that instead of a stem cell transplant, which is also 'for life'? It was suggested by Princess Oogag, that maybe i could have a pretty sainsburys bag. But then i came up with the theory that if i wore it over my head after the transplant i would be unable to pick up any bugs of which would take me straight to a bed on ITU, so therefore a bag for life is a good thing and well worth 5p. However, there is a negative side to my theory...... i wouldn't be able to breath, also taking me straight to a bed on ITU.
Back to the drawing board!
And on the subject of Bags for Life. Because my head is like a sieve, I have a whole cupboard full of them. Only ever used once! Special offer 3p!
Quite surprisingly, I've had 3 people suggest i don't have the stem cell transplant. Their recommendations as follows:-

1. Become vegan. It doesn't feed the cancer and so the cancer doesn't grow!
2. Powders! Which powders, nobody knows. But it saved a friend who had a limb removed and the cancer disappeared. Its the power of the powders and not the amputation that did it!
3. Chemo is bad for you so don't have it. It will cause you to suffer a secondary cancer in 10-15 years.      So if i don't have the chemo, i won't live 10-15 years, so i won't get a secondary. Well done Sherlock!
4. And of course, the Bag for Life, which i think is definitely a no go, unlike option 1, 2 and 3!!
Four very good ideas, but i may stick with the SCT until i have more evidence of a cure.
So another week goes by and nothings happened. In one way thats good, I'm not looking forward to my next appointment, but it doesn't take away the fact that i have to have a biopsy at some stage. Just delaying the inevitable.
And in the meantime my imagination is running riot. I am having night terrors regularly. I think every night since last monday i have had some sleep disruption of the insanity kind! The worse one following a large glass of Prosecco pre bedtime where i jumped out of bed looking for drugs and i remember, and i don't know why, i had to drink the water on my bedside table! And the weirdest one last night where i had forgotten to take my epilepsy meds, which is weird cos i don't have epilepsy!
No epilepsy, just crazyitis!

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