Sunday 28 December 2014

26.12 14

They think its all over, and it is!
I can't say, 'all the effort and now its over and done with,' cos i didn't make much effort.
Actually thats not strictly true now i think about it. I probably made more effort than usual. Considering my situation, it was all a lot more effort.
I found it difficult shopping (something i have excelled in in the past), thank goodness for online shopping.
Wrapping of the presents was not a pretty sight. Names were written on in felt tip pen! I only had 8 tags in a pack of 4 rolls of wrapping paper!!!!
I found opening my presents fairly easy, except for the ones Sam gave me. He must have shares in sellotape going on the secure nature of each gift!
I did have a sore back because of an attempt to walk the dogs. I was at Chris's house and intended dog walking with him each day, but after my first one, i managed to get a blister on my heel and my back started to ache. The added worry, whilst walking as if id pooped myself, i was under much more of a threat of slipping in the mud which is rife in the nearby fields. So, blisters, and aches and pains, but after a mud bath, extremely soft skin from all the minerals (cow dung!)
We had a buffet on christmas eve. I was expecting help with it, but turns out i was not only the chef, but the waiter and the kitchen porter!
So much for take it easy, 'you're recovering from chemo'.
The prep for lunch wasn't my finest hour. I managed to make about 50 pigs in blankets and because of the standing, and all the activities before that caused the bad back and blister, the back issue was exacerbated. I took on the look of the witch in snow white and the 7 dwarfs, a hunched old hag! I had had offers of help for the kitchen prep, but when it came to it, one cried off feeling ill, and the other just disappeared leaving me to it, returning mid prep, and saying, 'i was gonna help you with that!' and disappearing again.
But its all over now!
I can't get excited about the new year cos I'm working. Imagine the wonga I'm gonna make!! Will make a very small dent in the 6 months of statutory sick pay!
Boxing day i left Chris's house. I came home and unpacked, did the washing and drying. Tidied up and opened parcels and letters that had arrived in my absence. Its hard work, this going away malarkey!
I settled back into being home. My little castle.
Saturday was a day of putting away the decorations. I do it every year. I put them up 1st december and then by christmas I've had enough of it all - my OCD sets in. Needless to say, my castle is tidy and glitter free.
I recall my ex, Ron, laughing at me many times during my 3-4 year sentence with him because of my need to put things in things! A box opened would reveal 4 smaller boxes with things maybe in alphabetical order, or even a more useful order. In order of popular usage, or colour maybe??? My organisation skills are second to none. That will be my OCD!
I have large plastic boxes with all my decorations in colour order!
My christmas tree is normally kept in a large cardboard box with 2 bits of heavy duty string holding it together. Im really not impressed with that so i have invested in a garden storage ottoman type storage box. Im so excited about it - boring OCD-ite that i am!
It should be here in the next few days and my bashed in tree box will be burnt and my new shit hot plastic tree cradler/protector will be installed in my slightly untidy garage!!! I feel a christmas garage OCD organising party coming on! I also feel the need to finish putting up pictures and stuff on the walls in my lounge and up my stairwell! Im gonna feel so sated!!!
Even writing about all this has made me feel less panicky!!
Im on a mission, and to be completely honest with you, its more exciting than christmas!!!

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