Monday 28 December 2015


Happy boxing day.
Ive been out this afternoon to Chloes family for a festive feast. It was lovely. Good food, good company and cuddles with a 2 week old baby who doesn't do the crying thing. Then home to Chris's for a festive Peter Pan rendition starring some children who couldn't act for toffee and some really unusual things, like nurses standing around on the ward doing nothing, and 'Wendy' arresting on the theatre table and the doctors taking forever to start to resuscitate her. She had no wound to show for the op and her mother expected her to carry her own bag when she left the hospital and gave her the biggest, tightest hug which had got to hurt after her open heart surgery. Paloma Faith was Tinkerbell, which was really odd.
I feel i was cheated.  Boxing day evening telly should be better than that.
Do you know what i love? I love going to bed at night. The evening is usually spent on the sofa in front of the TV with my laptop and my dogs, and if its christmas, possibly a little bit of chocolate, or even a bigger bit of chocolate.
At 10 - 10.30 it has been known for me to switch off the box, give the dogs a little treat (not chocolate), and head upstairs for a bit of 'me' time.
TV, laptop, and no odour of dogs having had a little turkey!
I put on whatever i want to watch (which i can do downstairs), and i fall asleep!
Every flipping night!
I wake up having missed what i was watching, i tell myself off, turn off the TV and the light, roll over, hitch the quilt up under my chin, pop my legs out of the bed at the bottom, and i wait.
Nothing except the whirring sound of my head going round.
Sometimes, i 'rewind' what id missed to watch it again, and i fall asleep again!
TV off, light off, roll over, quilt etc, and still nothing.
Thats what I'm doing now!

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