Thursday 10 December 2015


Strangely, my last post started with an acronym. POOP day - post op something or other, I've forgotten already!
Well today i went for a Sleep Well, Feel Good, Relax cognitive behavioural therapy workshop with the hope it would help my sleep/night terrors.
It being a sleep workshop this is what i expected!!! And to be fair, it wasn't far from it.

So back to the acronyms. We had CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy, which is well known, SMART, REC, SLAB and a couple of others.  I have no idea what it all stands for.
One of the 2 ladies running the session mentioned 'peer support' but she said it so quickly that i thought she was saying 'piss pot'. It took me a while before i got what she was saying!
Did you just try saying peer support quickly? I bet you did!
And one of the ladies i feel had an inferiority issue. I think she wanted to be the boss...but wasn't. So she took it upon herself to butt in often when the other lady was talking and she talked v e r y  s l o w l y, and with hand gestures to impart her knowledge to the group.  She gave personal examples of her own 'journey' all the way through.  I feel i know her inside out.
About 3/4 of the way through the 2 hour workshop it was her turn to talk about relaxation and she did a small exercise with us!!!
She talked v e r y  c a l m l y whilst we placed one hand on our chest and the other on our diaphragm.
'Stay relaxed, stay CALMMMM. Breath in, breath out, breath in blue, breath out red' and other spiritual directions. I felt the hysteria rising in me. Its not my thing. Im sure it helps others, but we were advised to put our worries on a cloud or let it flow away in a stream. I tend to put my worries in a mince pie and eat it! Or in a champagne flute and drink it!
We discussed many aspects of sleep.  Altered thinking, physical symptoms, behaviour, emotional symptoms, diet, etc and how to try to eliminate any stresses at bedtime. There was a few ideas that would help some of the people there but not really for my issue.
We then stopped for a and tea...... full of caffeine! That tickled me a bit.
A couple of times, she talked about 'breathing' and how we should breath like a baby in a cot, where the tummy rises and falls, 'but some times we stop and we should continue it!' Yes, its always a good idea to continue with the breathing.
And the 2 of them would say something and laugh like hyenas in a 'mutual colleague support' way and would compliment each others ideas.
And like my phone counselling session, they would summarise by repeating what had already been said.
Both very nice though, and so willing to help all of us 'wide awakies'!
What I'm saying is, i think it was all very interesting but don't feel its helped me in any way.
TWOT (total waste of time!)

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