Tuesday, 8 July 2014


As you know, this time next week is my last chemo (as long as the lymphoma doesn't come back, or i don't get a secondary cancer!).
What are the remnants of my 6 months of treatment?
I have bottles of gaviscon, anti sickness tablets, steroids, heart damage, fatness and baldness, loads of ice lollies in the freezer that i bought for my sore tongue and now I've gone off them!
Ive had cravings of goats cheese and red onion relish, heinz spag bol, ready salted crisps, cooked breakfast, mackerel, cake.
I also have fatigue. Everyone tells you of the fatigue you will suffer, and yes, its been there, but the last couple of days - WOW.
Right at this minute, i am waiting for Lyn to call round to take the dogs out and i intend then sleeping until she gets back. I have a feeling of desperation. Hurry Lyn, hurry.
Best made plans.........
Now I'm not complaining but.......
Ive not felt as good today. Not felt bad, but restless, tired, fatigued, bored, things like that. I can cope with that, but the day is dragging. I have no energy to do anything. Its days like this i could do with some company. I wonder how long i will have feelings like this? I also feel terribly bloated, which is fairly normal, but i finished steroids 48 hours ago. And my arms are very tender????? Random!
But, hey ho, only 7 days to my final countdown.
Ive just been sent a link to the song 'The final countdown' by Kate on the Hodgkins site. She has her final chemo 2 days after me. Its nice having someone at a similar stage, although i also had Helen and Joan who have both finished now.
Ive made such a nice group of friends who i hope to keep in contact with, maybe not on a daily basis, but they have the empathy that only a cancer sufferer has.
And of course my Linda who should be named the Empathy State Building.
We've had a wonderful thunder storm. Im so glad my dogs aren't bothered by all the rumblings, i suppose they're used to it with all my indigestion and digestive problems!! So i don't have to water the pots this evening.
I think I'm rambling a bit on this blog. My heads not working properly today, some would say it never does!
So what I'm gonna do is leave you to it! Sometimes, less is more!!!

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