Tuesday, 1 July 2014


Its just before 7am and what a day!!
I decided when i woke at 6 that i would make some fairy cakes to take to chemo today.
So I've made 12 cakes. They will have to have glace icing as i haven't the time or inclination to make buttercream

But then, the most exciting thing. I looked out of the kitchen window and right on top of the conifer at the bottom of the garden..........a heron. I dashed to get my phone but it had gone by the time i got back, and before anyone asks, i wasn't gonna phone him, i was gonna snap him!
They say things happen in threes.
The cakes.
The heron.
Whats the third? Maybe pharmacy will have my drugs ready on time????
Better get ready and ice the cakeys.
Hopefully i will feel ok later (please please please) and finish my blog. 
Home, had a little doze, had my obligatory digestive biscuits (2), and now just had Heinz spag bol. Feeling a bit fuzzy, so fingers crossed i stay feeling fairly good. 
The third thing wasn't the pharmacy being ready and waiting with my drugs that they've known were needed for over 2 weeks. I suppose the third thing is that is was fairly uneventful.
Saw Dr Jack who was very sweet, but unfortunately chemo brain has kicked in and i remember nothing of what he said, oh, except that i haven't had a pulmonary embolism, but i never thought i had. If i remember what he said, i'll tell you tomorrow.
The cakes were lovely.
We nibbled them throughout the day and Leanne, my nurse, had a pink one. I haven't heard she's been ill or anything!
Im home now and wallowing in my bed surrounded by my chemo kit. Fan, drugs, phone, laptop and charger, water, thermometer and of course my TV full of saved reality TV rubbish to take my mind off my fuzzy head.
So i shall take my leave and continue to wallow, but not in self pity. #feelinggood 

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