Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Theres a cockerel around here somewhere. I think he's a fairly new resident cos i haven't heard him until recently. I know theres some chickens somewhere, maybe he's moved in with them. Luckily i wake up before him. Im thinking revenge! For all those people who complain of noisy cocks in the morning, I'm very tempted to go to the bottom of my garden and wake him with a loud scream!
The trouble is, if i go down the bottom of the garden, i get carried away with pulling up the invasive bindweed, which is ok, but 5 in the morning its still damp with the morning dew. My garden gloves are getting filthier and filthier and my OCD can't cope with it.
Nice lunch at the Fox and Hounds with Sharon and a cuppa in the summerhouse, but far too hot. Nice to see her and put the world to rights.
Now deposited myself in front of the fan in the living room, and I'm not going anywhere!
A trip to a garden centre to buy some new lavender plants. Someone, not naming names (me) over watered the ones in the chimney pots and they are close to death. Im hoping they will pick up and i can put them in various positions round the garden. So 6 new ones, smaller but still alive! A fuchsia in a salmon pink colour and some miracle grow to try to resuscitate the dying lavenders and my pots which are looking distinctly sick too. Plants not doing well this year. Im very disappointed with my attempts this year.
Then the gorgeous Jenni visited me.
Beautiful inside and out!!! She ate my food, drank my drink, blew her nose on my tissues, watched Eastenders, and then left me..........in peace!
Plants fed and watered, tomatoes picked, and thats me done for the day.
Roll on tomorrow. Another busy day. Another day of feeling good.

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