Sunday, 13 July 2014


Today is similar to yesterday. Total boredom. Lethargy etc etc etc
So today i am gonna tell you a story.
This is a very sensitive subject and the person concerned needs protecting so no names will be mentioned.
When i was first diagnosed i met online a young girl who was going through her own battle.  She had found a breast lump which when biopsied was found to be cancerous. It was removed and I'm not sure if it was then or later that she had radiotherapy.
Another lump was found and she had a mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Again, I'm not sure about timescales, although that isn't important to the story, she was then diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma and her bone marrow cells were slowly developing.
Myself and others on a site were supportive, and in turn we used her for support of sorts. I don't think any of us would have leant on her, but seeing what she was going through gave us strength too.
She was very brave through it all.
She suffered from vomiting and weight loss and was given food through a tube into her stomach.
She was very worried about losing her hair and so she used a cold cap, which i was a little concerned because having a blood cancer we are advised not to use it. But what do i know? Different hospitals, different techniques.
She had a PICC line where her chemo was given through a special tube into her vein.
I would read her comments online as she was going through her infusions and how she felt like poo, and had to get the train home after, alone. I wondered how her mother would let that happen. And she made comments that her stepfather wasn't always very nice to her. Just stroppy with her, not aggressive or anything more sinister. Her mother wasn't listening when she told her. Probably had her own problems and stresses.
She gave me constant updates and was very knowledgable about her chemo, lines, and everything cancer!
She was obviously a very intelligent girl because she got into the uni that she wanted on a scholarship and she was very excited about starting in october, all being well.
I found out about a month or so ago, she didn't have cancer, never had it. It seems it was all for attention.
What a shock, an unbelievable shock.
I didn't feel angry with her, i felt such sadness that she felt the need to invent this whole story. The amount of research she must have done to know about the side effects, the different chemos, the treatments, etc. What went through her mind?
How many people knew about her 'cancer'? Quite a few i believe.
I believe she's getting help with it now, i hope so. I haven't spoken to her since i found out, and i hope she's ok. Im hoping its just a blip and she goes on to enjoy uni and her life.
I think of her often and wonder how she is.
It just shows how fragile we all are, not just physically.
Such a terrible shame.

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