Saturday, 5 July 2014


Not a good start!
'Oh dear,' i hear you say, 'She's on her steroid comedown!'
How wrong could you be? Im feeling fine despite waking at 5.20.
My little Ruby..... i came downstairs to find her cowering under the table. Poor little sausage has had a funny tummy. Ive taken 3/4 hour cleaning up! I now need a lie down.
Lets hope the day picks up a bit.
A bit of gardening. The rockery has rocks under all that perennial geranium!!! And a little frog. So much more work needed tho. Hedge trimming, weeds pulling, tidying. Its relentless, and not much fun when you want to do it, but you're incapable.
Collected Linzi to take her to Cupcake Jane and Colins summer party this evening.  It was very nice. The fire pit smelled lovely. The food was lovely, 'very beige' Rachel kept saying. Pitta and dips, pringles, scones with cream cheese and red onion chutney, which were divine. Then jacket spuds, chilli, salads, and lots of buffetty stuff.
Lots of fun and laughter and friends i haven't seen for a while.
Linzi and i both wore down a little, Linzi being in recovery from an appenidicectomy. So we nipped off earlier with the intention of Linzi getting her PJ's on! We left the party goers to carry on with their 'get drunk and get fat' intentions. I have no doubt Sarah is now unconscious with something written with lipstick on her face, and I'm sure Rachel has finished her quota of 'voddy'.
I am now snuggled in my bed and ready for unconsciousness myself.
So tomorrow is another day.

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