Guess who went to a rave today?
Sorry, i didn't mean rave, i meant MRI scan!
I was worried cos some people had told me it makes you nauseous, and i really didn't wanna feel nauseous, especially cos I've had a bad time in the last few days.
Well it didn't make me nauseous at all.
It didn't look that different to the CT and PET scanner.
I was placed on the scanner table and cos i was having my shoulder scanned, i had a 'casing' on my shoulder and other wedges placed to keep my arm in the right place and to stop it moving.
I had ear plugs, and earphones and was given an option of music. Radio 2, 3, 4, or 5!
I closed my eyes all the same as i went in. I didn't want to awaken any claustrophobic feelings. I had a button that i could press if i had any problems.
So, being that it was 2pm, the news came on. I lay there wondering if it had started or not. And then.....
Oh good lord. A rave started. No banging and crashing as id been warned. It was more of a techno music sound. Beep beep beep, burr, burr, burr, peep, peep, peep. And then back to beep again. I was so surprised. I couldn't hear the music whilst the rave was occurring, but i managed to make out REM - losing my religion, followed by Neun und neunzig luftballons.
It was nothing to worry about, but i did feel uncomfortable. It was more cos of my position, my aching stomach muscles from coughing so much, and my back was twingeing.
So i felt quite desperate that it came to a close. I was told it would take about 30 mins.
What i did was guesstimate! The news - about 5 mins, REM - about 3 mins, 99 luftballons - 3 mins. And then there were 2 other songs, so another 6 mins. In between Patrick Kielty (yes i chose radio 2!) talked for Ireland, so another 3 minutes, roughly. Then cos it made me feel better, i added 2 minutes cos i told myself the songs were more than likely more than 3 minutes long.
22 minutes. Cant be much longer now.
Whirring, beeping, pipping. All sorts of noises.
Occasionally the scanner staff asked if i were ok. 'Yes' i replied, 'how much longer?'
I was told 10 minutes, so i listened out for the next song - M People - Moving on up.
I counted the seconds for about 4 minutes and the staff asked again,
'Are you ok?
'Yes, how much longer?'
'About 10 mins!'
And still the scanner beeped and whirred, and everytime it started with the noise again, i jumped out of my skin!
Then it was over. The relief.
I was dragged back into sanity and was able to slowly sit up, remove my ear plugs etc and escape the clutches of the MRI scanner, which had only been opened a month before by Harry Redknapp. I liked that idea, cos i like Harry cos of the time my Chris was at Southampton Football ground to watch Michael Owen play and it was arranged he should meet Michael.
Chris was so nervous and excited that a migraine ensued and he missed the whole game whilst he threw up and then slept in the club bar.
Whilst he sat in his wheelchair, green and feeling awful, Jamie and Harry came into the lobby near the changing rooms. I didn't know who they were, but Chris's face lit up. The two of them, and Sandra, Harrys wife, chatted for ages with Chris. They were soooooooo nice to him. It made Chris's day. For that gesture alone, i like the Redknapps. Chris's migraine just melted away.
Michael had injured his leg in the game, and came out of the changing room for about 5 minutes and didn't really have anything to say. Pleasant, but not a Redknapp!
Of course, my Linda took me to the scan. As she always does.
Theres nothing nicer than coming out of a scan, or lung function tests, or even chemo, to have the lovely smiling face of my Linda.
We came home again and enjoyed a cuppa before the busy bee Linda buzzed off.
The evening spent chatting with Jenni and then id like to say i relaxed in front of the tv.
But its not that easy relaxing when you have tummy ache. Don't know why. It could be the antibiotics, it could be the achey muscles from coughing, or it could be the chemo. It could be all 3. I will never know. I just wish it would do one!
Maybe tomorrow!
The moral of the story however,
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