This is my second blog today following a strong urge to eat a muffin with cheese and relish. It wasn't as wonderful as last time. All i can think is the taste buds have 'gone' quicker and the tongue is sore quicker. Maybe it will all go quicker too????? Wishful thinking.
So. What have i done that is so exciting i need to tell my blog about?
Sweet FA!
I took more steroids at 3 which is always good cos i have to have them with food. So a little tiramisu aided my medication. It slips down easily and is soft and cold and moist - perfect for a tender mouth.
And a twister ice lolly was also taken as medication for said sore tongue, and only 45 calories. I'll be a size 10 soon without even trying!!!
One thing I've realised is that my life is on hold. I don't mean to wish my life away, but I'm unable to do so many things that i could do before without getting so short of breath, and i can only do anything on week 2. My joys in life during week 1, are my sons, Linda, my dogs, and they can be a bit irritating if I'm feeling rough, my laptop and food. Week 2 i can add seeing friends, shopping (for a short while), going for short walks, lunch out and my real love at the mo, gardening.
I forgot to say earlier when i talked about my chat with Dr Jack that i have to have an MRI Scan on my right shoulder. The PET scan showed i have a hotspot there and although they believe it to be nothing to do with HL they feel i should have a scan to make sure. I think i know whats caused it. Gardening. Ive been sawing down some ivy. I didn't think id done too much. My shoulder doesn't feel sore at all. But i will be more gentle next week when i start the excavating again!
Although i do have a full week booked in already.
I think its fairly safe to sign off now. I don't envisage anything exciting happening before tomorrow!
Sam has gone out for the evening, leaving me home alone. What mischief can i get up to?
Please send suggestions cos for the life of me, i can't think of anything!
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