Friday, 25 April 2014


An eventful day.
Had an appointment with a solicitor this morning.
I always feel when i meet people, they are looking at me and thinking, 'Wig' or 'baldy'!
I think i must look sheepish! And i don't mean woolly.
Then it was nice to have Karen round for a coffee and catchup. She bought me some tulips and a carrot cake, which was one of the nicest carrot cakes I've tried. Bless her heart.
Then about 3 hours on and off talking to BT regarding my failing internet.
'Ve have tested the line and there is nussing wrong vis them. We have switched you to anusser channel and you vill find you will not keep dropping your internet.'
Sorry, thats sposed to be the accent of the BT chap, but it sounds more German as i read it out loud!
10 minutes later, and no broadband, i rang them again.
Same tests again and the same suggestion of changing to another channel without any problems on the line.
'But you must leave it for 24hours before you can see the difference'
I complain it didn't work last time and catch him out cos i rang yesterday - 24 hours ago!
They're absolutely full of cr*p aren't they?
'Ma'am the problem is with your device'
What all 5 devices in the house are faulty?
I ask, could it be a problem with the router or hub?
No Ma'am. I have done the diagnostic tests and everything with BT is fine and operational.
So tomorrow they're sending me a new hub or router or both, who knows!
I have no faith.
Then its time for some retail therapy with Linda. I need some bigger clothes for my bigger body! Damn steroids. I know its the steroids but I'm desperate to lose this 'blobbiness'.
In the meantime, larger clothes.
We amble round M&S after a coffee and a sausage and onion toastie.
The bra lady fits me with 2 mediocre but correct size brassieres.
Im deposited in a changing room with Linda on sentry duty whilst i try on most of the clothes in the shop. As i pull off my top, my wig flies off! I stand in a fit of giggles for a short while and pop my head round the door to entertain Linda, who then joins in with the giggles. I try on a dress and as i pull it down round my ample bosom i find the clothes tag wedged behind my ear.
Oh thats what hair is for, to stop an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction. Again Linda is made aware of the error.
I find a dress and 2 tops will suffice out of the huge pile of garments.
I need another hat. The red beret that i wear to keep my bonce warm is ok but looks ridiculous. The blue bed beret (home made) looks even more ridiculous. The wide brimmed sunhat is lovely but only suitable for when we have sun!!!
Armed with more hats than a milliners shop i approach a mirror. And they're few and far between these days! Im always moaning at the mo!
I try them on top of wiggy. They don't fit right. And I'm thinking its to wear instead of the wig.
Now, how to remove wiggy and try on the hats without frightening small children.
We got a bit of a routine going, Linda and I.
Linda whips the wig off, i put the hat on.
Linda whips the hat off, i put the next one on.
A couple get stuck on my head and Linda, not realising, is tugging. Its like something out of a carry on film. Eventually we find one that doesn't make me look like Freddie parrot face Davies. My god, where did that come from? A blast from the past!
Haha, I've just googled Freddie Davies!!!
I do look like Freddie parrot face Davies!
Then to put wiggy back on, not quite as easy as putting a hat on.
But we managed it. A half hour full of raucous laughter.
And so, home!
We amble off towards the car, with bags of clothes, bras, hats and food (no surprise there!). The weather had turned from a wet miserable day to sunshine and blue skies. I felt warm in my thick coat and wig.
'Linda', i said. As she looked at me, i whipped wiggy off to reveal to the world my bristly head!
Linda nearly wet herself!
What the heck!
I drive home, trying to catch eye contact with other drivers or pedestrians! I love stopping at lights and looking at the driver in the vehicle next to me. They usually have a double take! People seem so shocked to see a bald woman, even with all the cancer and chemo in the world. Im gonna go bald more often, it was really good fun.
Yes, i have the shock factor!

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