Monday, 14 April 2014


Look at that date, its pretty. 14.4.14.
Today was nice.
Went for my fortnightly blood tests. It wasn't my usual nurse, i had a doctor who was good at taking blood, but was a bit more serious than nursey.
That was followed by a drive round Sandbanks on a beautiful blue sky day.
Urban Reef for lunch, but not overly impressed with the food today. Don't know if it was my taste buds (which I've decided to call my cotton buds as food tastes like cotton!), or the chef!
A little walk on the sand which always looks so inviting, but after you've done it, you regret it cos of the sand chafing the skin! And finding its way into places it really shouldn't.
Back to Lindas for a bit of lounging time in her summer house. And she took this snap of me. I apologise for my steroidy face - you should see the steroidy body!

I feel the need to make my bald head normal! I don't want to wear a wig, or a hat, or a scarf. There are times when i should, but i want to be the one who decides when that time is. Ive gone for so long with scrappy hair, and a baldy head doesn't look that much worse, not to me anyway.
Why should women wear a wig, almost out of shame, or embarrassment? Its our own problem/issue, but id like it not to be. So, although i don't look like Sinead O'Connor, i also don't look like Harry Hill. 
Im me, with no hair cos of chemo. So I'm hoping i don't rush to cover up when someones at the door, or if i have to go out. 
Saying that, my head gets flipping cold. I put my hat on, and 10 minutes later I'm having a hot flush.
Anyway, an evening spent with the lovely Jenni and her craziness.
And now a bit of peace in bed before bed byes.
So number 6 tomorrow. Filled with trepidation but also determination. Its gotta be done, so i better get on and do it.
I may or may not be blogging tomorrow. So i'll see you when i see you.

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