Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Part 2
Nothing exciting has happened.
But i have tried to be a healthy eater today. And the scales say i have lost 3lbs already, mainly cos of yesterdays lack of calories. I have some jelly later and thats my lot!
Also i walked round the block for 16 minutes. I was a bit puffed, but its gotta be done. I checked my pulse when i got back - 104 bpm!! And that was without Dr Jack being present!
If he had been here i could have said,
'My heart went boom buddy boom buddy boom buddy boom buddy boom buddy boom buddy boom boom boom. Goodness gracious me!' and it would have been his fault!
But it wasn't cos of my hearts desire, it was cos my lungs or heart are shouting, 'help us!'
I tried to have a little doze this afternoon.
Do you know if it registers on Facebook when I'm having a doze, or maybe on BBC news channel? Cos every time i fall asleep, someone texts me or rings the door bell! Is it just a coincidence or is there some divine intervention going on?
I wouldn't have minded, but when i answered the doorbell, there was a strange man stood there.
'Hi Im the fish man!'
I was tempted to say, 'Small cod and chips!' But I'm eating healthy today.
So i gave him my 'I'm dying of cancer look' and told him, 'no thanks' quite abruptly!
So thats all for today. Lets hope tomorrow is as uneventful as today, and lets hope i continue to stay feeling not too bad!
Good evening to you all.

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