Saturday, 7 June 2014


Remind me to not hope for a good nights sleep again. I think i jinxed myself. Whether it was the thunderstorm or a bit of anxiety, I'm not sure. But of course things at night are far worse and i was telling myself my breathing was getting bad, and questioning whether my chest was tight! I think a frontal lobotomy would be good for me at the mo, to stop any of my mental wanderings and rantings. Trouble is, i don't know what is more important any more, what order do i do all these things.
Chemo, angiogram, lobotomy????
I spose, angiogram, chemo and then if i have any spare time, or energy maybe then i could fit in the lobotomy.
So because of a bad nights sleep, i feel a little under the weather. Once i have a doze i will feel chipper!
I have been good, healthy diet wise this morning. A bowl of fruit. But its not helping watching saturday kitchen live! I could just do with bacon, eggs, sausage, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, fried bread (haven't had fried bread for years), toast and butter. But i shall decline any offer that is made with regard this and look forward to some other heavenly healthy meal at lunchtime. I have many items in my fridge with a low fat, low salt, low cal, aura about them. Yum! I better get used to it.
Im sure in time i will be used to all these changes in my life, and I'm thinking its all gonna make me a better, healthier person. All i need to do then is grow some hair!
The day, diet wise, has continued to be fairly good. But its been a very boring day. Its given me plenty of time to sit and think of my worries. Ive had enough now. Nothing more please!
Nothing more to report, so time to click on publish.

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