Friday, 27 June 2014


Nothing to report as yet. No news is good news!
A day of doing not very much at all.
Kerrie came to visit and i did her nails for her specially for her 'parrttaayyyy' in Ayia Napa. She's a sweet thing.

Then a bit of washing up and tidying round. I swear I'm gonna explode from all the excitement.
I made a huge bowl of salad and had some with some mackerel for lunch. It was yummy. The remainder will be dinner with a jacket potato i think. The question is......tuna mayo or cheese and beans? I think a further injection of omega 3 oil is the order of the day - tuna mayo!
Having digested my lunch i fell into my normal routine. Sit in front of Loose Women and fall asleep. Is it me, or is Jamelia far too judgemental? You have Janet Street Porter who is known for being a difficult, opinionated, woman. But give me her any day over Jamelia. And whats with the way she talks? Not the Brummy bit, she seems to talk like the youngsters today who try to talk 'ghetto slang/ebonics'.
Karen visited and brought Archie and chocolates. The dogs played lovely together whilst we sat outside on the decking with a coffee.
I noticed i had one small strawberry on my planter. Beautifully red and ripe, just ready for picking.
I was discussing my strawberry growing ability with a friend the other day and mentioned what a poor harvest i was having. So i was surprised to see this little treasure.
I looked back 2 seconds later and the strawberry had gone!!!
Dottie looked very guilty!
The mystery is solved. I think someone has been helping themselves to one of their 5-a-day.
Another mystery.... why on FB can nobody spell definitely? Everyone puts defiantly!
Im getting paranoid. Cos of all this heart/lung stuff, i keep thinking my chest feels tight. Then i worry that I'm having a heart attack or a lung clot. When will it all end? Have i got to live life worrying like this forever, or is it just till chemos finished?
Of course you tell yourself, 'it won't happen to me!' But of course, its already happened to me!!!

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