Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Good morning birdies..... again. Will i always wake at 4.30 - 5.00? Forever?
I suppose if i ran a marathon, id be more tired and sleep later? It doesn't seem to work that way.
I painted a garage last weekend and i still woke up at the crack of dawn.
I shouldn't complain.... it could be far worse. At least I'm feeling fairly good. Notice there's a 'fairly' in that sentence. Im feeling a bit groggy today, at 4 in the morning!!!
Isn't it funny how lots of people have the chemo that I'm having and they all have a different experience, but lots of the same symptoms.
Some people sail through it with no effect. Others have told me of the nausea and vomiting and how bad its been. I think I've been in the middle somewhere.
Two of the most common and most complained about symptoms that I've noticed is the weight gain, and the hair loss. The chemicals damage your body and can cause future illness, but the weight gain and hair loss is waving the biggest flag for most people.
These are the worse things about chemo for me. Pride in my appearance has gone out the window along with my hair. And i wonder how long it will be before i have the energy or ability to do exercise and regain some fitness, and how long it will take to 'get over' the steroids. I can cope with the other symptoms, but I've lost control over the weight gain and hair loss.
The hair is returning slowly. But its white now! I keep wondering whether to do something drastic. Dye it bright red. Id no doubt have comments like, 'How did you cut your head!'
Maybe i should dye it purple like the lavender in the garden. At least then i can blend in.
Off house moving with Chris Sam and Joe today. Of course my strength and ability to lug boxes about will be invaluable.
I did attempt to make coffees etc, but couldn't find the kettle flex, or the coffee, or the cups, and it was far too hot for coffee anyway.
Im home again now.
Joe has boarded his train bound for London, and Sam is chilling in his room. Chris will be ordering Chloe and Sharon around as we speak.
Empty that box, move that furniture! I bet its fun in his new house.
Im off to fall asleep unexpectedly on the sofa!

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