Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Here we go.
Number 9 has arrived just in time to p*ss me off.
Lulled into a false sense of security by having 3 weeks between 8 and 9. I would have felt wonderful ish this last week if i hadn't been short of breath. Imagine 3 weeks after number 12!
Im writing this from my warm comfortable bed. The dogs are out with Lyn and I'm enjoying the peace before i wend my weary way to the Dorset Cancer Centre with me Linda. Catchy little name, isn't it? Known as DCC to its friends!
Lovely place with lovely people. A positive feel. So why do i feel nauseous as soon as i wake up on chemo day?
By 10 this evening i hope to be feeling a bit brighter, fingers crossed.
I'll come back to this later. Next time i write on here, i'll have 3 more to do.
The exciting thing........... Lorraine has her boobies out! I think she must have read my blog yesterday.
Later on in Gotham City......
I arrived home at 5 ish feeling remarkably good.
Chemo went well.
Had the new cardiac protectant drug and that went ok.
Linda massaged my feet for me again, which was lovely.
She said she wishes she could do the next four chemos instead of me! I wish she could too!
Not really, id hate to put anyone through this, least of all Linda. The nurse told me today the chemo I'm on is 'hard core'! Nice to know.
Dr Jack dropped by to see me.
Hes concerned about my lungs. The CT shows some damage to them. 'Ground glass' he called it to the top and bottom of left lung. He feels i did have a lung infection.  More lung function tests booked!
He's concerned but feels the need to carry on if i want to cure HL completely. He will keep an eye on me to make sure no, or little, damage is done whilst i carry on. He's adamant that i have the full 6 cycles with all the drugs, nothing omitted.
His argument.........if i don't cure it completely by stopping a dose or a cycle, if it comes back, i will need a more intensive chemo, and thats bound to make an even worse mess of my heart and lungs. It sounds completely logical and i had come to the same conclusion myself over the last couple of weeks.
I have noticed since the chemo today me inhaling makes me cough more! Not sure if that means when i finish chemo i will recover to a degree. Lets hope so.
Seeing the cardiologist tomorrow so hope he has some better news for me.
Got home feeling really good, surprisingly.
Lovely hug with Linda and then she was packed off home.
Went to bed after chatting with Sam, something I've never done before as I'm normally feeling rough.
Slept from about 6pm till 7pm, waking in time for Corrie!
Then i started to feel ill. Luckily it wasn't hideous and it lasted till about 9pm. I was feeling nauseous so Sam made me a wonderful dinner of toast and butter. I must say it has done the trick. He's like a medical whizz, my Sam. I should call him Papa Sam and make him wear a white hankie on his head or something to make him stand out like a medical enigma.
Anyway. Im not feeling 100% so i will leave you now. I will brush some toast crumbs out of the bed, and settle down for an evening of Escape to the Country and Fantasy Homes by the Sea. If nothing else, it will put me into a deep sleep!!!
Good night from Holby City.

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