Just felt i had to blog to tell you how I'm feeling.
Its amazing. Ive moved on from my bad news! Hey, how did i do that? I was full of tears and fears a few days back. Of course I'm worried about having the scan and biopsy, but I've talked myself into, what will be, will be, and ill worry about it when i get there! I must be superwoman, this isn't normal. And also, if I've got lymphoma again, and i have to have treatment, such is life. Go me!!!
It beats that 'rugby ball in the guts' feeling, and the tightness around the neck and shoulders.
And this weekend has been such a good one. Sad its over really.
Saturday was spent having breakfast with a group of friends, followed by afternoon tea with Chris. And then a few hours of X Factor.
Sunday, i performed in a concert at the BIC. I sang a duet with Steve, Something Inside so Strong.
Then another breakfast with the choir girls, and what a view whilst we ate. Such a gorgeous day.
Then back to my house with Kim before travelling to Lyndhurst for a Russell Watson rehearsal. And that was amazing. There were many times we sounded so good. The sopranos are something else. Gave me goosebumps. Roll on tuesday for our concert with Russell. We would like to be the best choir that he sings with, but i bet they all want to be that. Ill let you know!
So a day of fun and laughter. Lisping to Something inside so strong with Becky and Jo. Singing opera in the car on the way to the rehearsal with Kim and Caroline, at the top of our voices. The common denominator for me feeling happy....singing. Oh yes, and eating too!
Well thats all for now. I have to go. I have more contestants to choose for X Factor. Ive picked the same ones as Simon Cowell and Grimmy. Cheryl's mucked up tho! I gotta help Rita now.
Catch you later.