Sunday, 25 May 2014


Sunny day.
Walked the dogs, for an hour!!! I met a dog walking friend and his dog at the park, so we chatted more than walking, but a whole hour!!! I must be feeling better.
Its difficult to say, but i think the shortness of breath, my dicky ticker, is slightly better being on these tablets. Lets hope so.
The rest of the sunny day has been wasted, sitting inside, playing silly computer games, watching TV and not doing the few small jobs i was supposed to.
I did a very small amount of weeding. In fact i feel a fraud even mentioning it. I pulled up, and snapped a few bindweed tendrils.
Ive had a kookie thought! Knowing how rapid bindweed grows, how prolific it is.......... are you getting where I'm going with this?
Transplant it onto my bonce. I would be swishing my curls about in no time. I may have the occasional bout of greenfly or a dose of powdery mildew, but in my desperate bald state, beggars can't be choosers.
Oh i did go to Tesco to get some provisions.
Why oh why did you not sit in the sunshine, i hear you say.
Ive never been a great one for sunbathing, but I'm a little unstable. I feel if i do anything 'different' i could make myself feel ill.
Not only that, i have been banished from the sun for ever and ever amen.
Apparently, chemo makes your skin more sensitive which can cause your skin to blister. I believe this because a few weeks back i sat in Lindas garden, fully clothed (thank god) and with a wide brimmed hat on. I was only there for half an hour. When i got home i noticed my chest was bright red.
Secondly, being that the skin is sensitive, it can cause pigmentation, light or dark, and more than likely it will be permanent. I don't wanna look like a giraffe.
Thirdly, chemo makes you more at risk of a secondary cancer, and we really don't wanna be getting skin cancer.
To be fair, in the grand scheme of things, I'm not too bothered about sitting in the shade. I like the warmth but can't cope with it too hot.
Is it acceptable to swim in the pool with a wide brimmed hat?
But tomorrow is another day.
Ive been invited to Lindas for lunch. I can't wait. She did say what we were having, but as is my normal now, I've forgotten. Its like christmas every day for me!!
Im doing dessert. I can't say what it is in case she reads this, but if i remember (yeah whatever!!) i will take a photo of it tomorrow and post it on here.
So after a busy day doing nothing, i shall skip the light fandango up the stairs and hope by the time i get to the top, I'm not short of breath.

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