Thursday, 15 May 2014


Rat a tat tat, i heard on my front door at 8am ish.
It was Wessex Water, and the new friend they have introduced me to, Rokil. Yes the rats are to be no more, she said hopefully and with everything crossed!!
Mr Rokil was putting powerfully strong stuff down my man hole!
I invited them both in to my kitchen, not sure if thats acceptable as I'm looking damned sexy in my dressing gown, with my lovely blue bed hat on! But they were both happy to follow me in!! That says a lot.
I showed them my recent find. Something had been in a secure (i thought) cupboard and chewed at sultanas and stuff.
Turns out its mice! Looked under the kick boards and theres lots of mice droppings so bait put in and 2 traps.
I showed them the photos of my drawer ( not my drawers!!!) that i emptied out a couple of weeks ago, with a spattering of droppings.
Turns out these were rat droppings.
So a double whammy.
Mr Rokil will return next thursday to check my traps!
So on with my day. I had woken having a night sweat at 2am and then woke at my nearly always normal time of 5.24am. So a little jaded, i went back to bed with my cornflakes and tea, which i always forget to drink.
I watched tv and carried on with the crocheting of my new 'at'. A lot of unpicking and recrocheting, considering i haven't crocheted before.
I remembered to ring Christian Aid to complain about the collector and his attitude. She was very apologetic and has said she will talk to his coordinator. At least i had a good moan. Im sure he won't be dumped for his insubordination, after all, he's voluntary! Arrogant, rude and egotistical, but voluntary!
I dragged myself out of bed at 12 ish cos i was hungry and i had a lovely curry. Walked the dogs. Then home for a bath.
Then back to unpicking and recrocheting.
I managed to doze of with no effort in the afternoon and woke up with 2 doggies wanting a cuddle.
The doorbell again. I hope its not charities cos I'm not in the mood. There on my doorstep was a cupcake in a cupcake holder, smiling up at me.

Who would do such a thing?
Then i remembered. A couple of days ago Judi Davenport, dear sweet lady, made some red velvet cupcakes and Cupcake Jane Wreyford commented, YES PLEASE XXX. I copied her comment to the letter. I wonder if it was Judi?
She said it was the cupcake fairy. AKA Judi.
She wanted to put a smile in my day. She certainly did that. It was so scrummy.  There are some lovely people in this world. And she's near the top of the list.
So cupcake eaten, tea remembered and drank.
I continue with my 'at'. 
The dogs are lounging next to me when suddenly Ruby jumped up and dived behind the sofa. Dottie was hovering by the cupboard and i could have sworn i heard a squeak. The dogs were obviously spooked by something.
Then i heard some scratching. 
Then i heard a 'twang' like sound. 
One of the mouse traps!!! Its like something out of an Agatha Christie play!
Poor little sausage. I can't look. I don't think its good for my health for one, but I'm far too squeamish at the mo. Im sure ill have no luck with asking Sam to do it either. Neither us are 'au fait' with traps and would probably set the unused one off on our hand! So it will have to stay there for a whole week with a decomposing mouse. Oh the joys!!!
Apparently the horrid smell I've been complaining about isn't decomposing rats, its the smell of rat urine! Strangely that makes me feel marginally better!
Anyway enough of all this vermin.
I have finished the 'at'. I have to sew the flower on, and i will try and take a pic of me modelling it tomorrow when i manage to put some makeup on, cos I'm off out with Linda for a coffee tomorrow before the steroids stop and i am back to my usual gibbering wreck on monday.
I am now going to climb the stairs and allow myself to drift off into a rat free, crochet free, charity free, chemo free, sleep.
See ya tomorrow.

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