Friday, 21 November 2014


Do you know what annoys me?? Most things actually, but in particular, this morning i was thinking about my Statutory Sick Pay that i received. £86 pw. And yet, some places, NHS and schools etc, they get 6 months of full pay and 6 months of half pay. Who's paying them? Our taxes - my taxes. Im paying them to have a financially comfortable time when they're ill, when i have to struggle on £86 pw. Doesn't seem very fair to me!
There. Lets get the rant out of the way, although I'm not promising there won't be another rant later on.
Here we go again!! Not so much a rant, more of an observation and amazement.
I mentioned i joined a larger HL site - mainly USA.
Im amazed that they seem to argue over who is right - 'Lymphoma is a blood cancer', 'No its not, its a lymph cancer', 'Theres blood and blood vessels in bone marrow', 'No there isn't, get a bone from the butcher and see, theres no blood vessels'.
It is a blood cancer and there is blood vessels in bone marrow, just to clarify.
But then there are words about, 'I'm amazed you know so little about your disease', which i agree with, but then, 'I'm leaving this group'.
Anything you need to know you can find out online. Id like to think i wouldn't post a fact on the site without knowing for sure, or checking.
On the UK site, we have made relationships with people, friendships. We care about each other and give good advice and experiences. On the USA site they seem to just want their say, they want to shine about the knowledge they've given and don't like it if they are contradicted. There also seems to be a lot about god and prayers.
One girl has put, 'K Bye' followed by clapping hands icons following someone threatening to leave the group cos of the ignorance.
These are all people sharing the same problem - cancer. Its like watching a soap opera! Im looking forward to the next episode! And you don't even need a TV license!
The next little gem...... have you been getting phone calls telling you someone at this address had a car accident in the last 3 years? Ive had loads of them, but this time, as i lay in the bath, i thought id play along.
'Yes i had an accident in january 2014' - i explained what happened to the foreign gentleman.
'What is your name?' he asked,  clearly excited that he'd had a positive response to his question, 'spell it for me.'
'I D I O T, M E!'
He even said it out loud, 'Idiot me!'
He asked my date of birth.
He asked, 'How can you have had an accident in january 2014 and not be born until april 2014?'
He was very persistent. I ended up putting the phone down on him, but i did enjoy myself for 5 minutes.
As I've mentioned before, i enjoy reality TV and the present one that i look forward to is Im a celeb. I was just getting into enjoying Gemma Collins making a fool of herself when she upped and left with £100000 in her (large) pocket. I was so disappointed. She was showing how self centred she was and it was all about 'me me me'.
But not all is lost. She has shown herself to be even more of a twat.
Her excuse for leaving the jungle early was that something awful had happened to her the night before she went into the jungle leaving her with some injuries and the shock came out whilst she was in the jungle.
Yeah right!

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