Saturday, 13 September 2014


Well i have been busy.
Since getting back from Chris's house, I've been to the bank and paid in, I've taken a bottle of vinegar tasting Prosecco back to M&S, I've taken 6 dead lavenders back to Haskins and got 6 live ones, and I've bought a puppy!
Yes you heard right - i need a frontal lobotomy. Im blaming it on the drugs, as i do for most things. I was toying with getting a kitten. I miss not having a cat around the house. But my worry is if it gets run over. We're not on a busy road, but the cars go quite fast. Faster than 30mph I'm sure!
I have more control over dogs than cats. Even so, thats not a good enough excuse for getting number 3. However........ i saw a maltese terrier on TV. Ive loved these ever since a friend of mine got one and called him Badger. He's so well behaved, so well trained. But i think thats her hard work rather than a maltese trait.
So having seen one on TV i decided, stupidly, to google them and found one called Lucky for sale. 9 weeks old. Before i knew it i was in the car with Sam, sat nav set for Chessington - World of Adventures!

Hes edible isn't he? Im struggling with names. But its been narrowed down to  Baxter, Louie, or Scruffy. I like a name ending in y or ie, so Baxters out really. Scruffy is Sams preference out of the 2  so i think its probably gonna be Scruffy.
Needless to say I've got my work cut out for me now. But he keeps me busy, and he keeps me happy. And thats the main thing.
Trying to entertain him outside so we can catch any wee wees or poo poos. I did a bit of gardening and noticed a buzzard circling over head. Whether he was after 'Scruffy' or the chickens that live nearby, i really don't know. I did take a photo!!!! But I'm sure you remember my bird photos from before!!!!
Yes, as usual, useless. I zoomed in and saw 2 black smudges. But i tell you, i saw the whites of his eyes, he must have been about 20 foot away.
Talking of birds, theres a pile of feathers in the garden this morning! Somethings visited, maybe the buzzard, and removed a pidgeon from my garden. 
Another day, another name!! Its Hugo now! Everytime i mention another name, Sam says 'No'! 

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