Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Hello! Mrs Stroppy from Bournemouth here!!
I must be getting back to normal cos I'm noticing irritating things on the radio whilst I'm driving!
Theres a competition on Heart radio.
3 celebs (and i use the term very loosely) say one word each in the catchphrase, 'Who's, on, heart'.
Listeners ring in and guess who says which bit and i believe the prize is quite hefty.
The thing that has got my goat......
A listener names the 'celebs' he or she thinks it is, and the DJ says, 'Shall i lock those names in?'
Why doesn't he say, is that your final answer? He's not locking anything into anything. No keys involved. He just plays a 'jingle' that makes a sound that everyone knows means they're 'locked in'.
Why does that irritate me so much?
I can't stay irritated for long when I'm left this little package on my doorstep!

Not sure exactly who left it, but i have an idea. The cake angel would be a good name for her.
I shall have to put the kettle on and cut a slice, its only right.
Oh its turning into an even better day.
Wessex Water have telephoned me and they're going to fit a non return valve in my drains to stop the demon rats from breaking and entering my house! And probably on friday. Hip hip hooray! No more scratching, no more patter of tiny feet, and no more reason for me to swear at the little blighters!
Oh! Apparently, the cake angel isn't the person i thought it was. I am in the dark as to the good samaritan. Its a mystery!
2 more things for today.
I can't stand Nicole Scherzinger doing adverts. Hair shampoo (don't know which brand) on airplanes and erotic noises, and muller yoghurts. She irritates me. She's so silly and giggly. She's probably doing what she's been told to do, but i can't cope with those ads. Saying that, i didn't like her on X Factor either. She's too over the top. Just had to tell you that.
And the other thing, a revelation. You know how you've heard how exercise allows you to release endorphins which make you feel good and give you a buzz? Well its never happened to me. Today a doctor on TV (so its gotta be true!) was saying this is impossible cos endorphin molecules are too big to pass through whatever membrane they would need to pass through. AND... exercise doesn't make everyone fitter, thats a myth. Its genetic as to whether it makes you fitter. It may be good for you, but doesn't make you fitter. AND.... its not the exercise thats good for depression, its the being outside thats good for depression.
They tested a group of 65 year olds. They performed short burst of exercise for a minute or so and that had more benefits than a long session.
Now I'm sure there are plenty of people who will argue with all this but i quite like the fact that its debatable. So, in the words of Heart radio, I'm gonna 'lock this in'!!!

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