I don't know how I feel this evening.
I have my PET scan tomorrow. NBM (nil by mouth) from 6.30am other than water.
Radioactive glucose injected via a cannula. Yet another cannula! Relax for an hour whilst keeping quiet, no chatting (OMG how will i cope), whilst the radioactive tracer rushes round looking for active tissue for the isotope to have a rest in. When the short acting glucose starts to decay within its tissue of choice, it produces a reaction which is captured in the scanner showing as a burst of light. Of course it is much more detailed than that, but i don't want to bore you with talk of electrons, kinetic energy, positrons and photons!!!
But to bring it down to my level, it gives really pretty pictures of my innards lit up like a christmas tree!
Im hoping the pretty lights, or to personalise it, 'aurora borealis firminalis', stay in the areas of my brain, heart, etc and not lymph nodes and spleen. But my brain is running riot at the moment.
What if theres no response to the chemo? It doesn't bare thinking about.
On the bright side i will be talking to Dr Jack very soon. He said if i haven't heard from him by friday afternoon to give him a call. Cheeky little minx! He's still playing hard to get!
Then he will give me the news!
My other worry.
I have put on weight, which is normal when taking steroids, as I've mentioned before. But what if i get wedged in the scanner?
I have a scenario in my head of me stuck, mid scan. Like a pork sausage wearing a polo mint. The scan staff stood around frowning. Shaking their heads. Pulling me by my over head arms with their foot pressing against the scanner. Oh the shame!
Fred Dineage on Meridian reporting on the fat girl in the scanner being starved in the hope she sheds the weight and can be removed in one piece.
I wonder if its ever happened?
A plus side, after the scan i will be partaking in a cream tea at Lindas gaff!
So much for shedding the weight!
Then home again, jiggety jig, to await my friday afternoon fate.
Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger. You will have to wait for my next blog to see if i did, in fact, get stuck!
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