Thursday, 13 February 2014


Good afternoon from Mrs Intolerant.
Thats the thing I've really noticed since having this flipping lymphoma. Im so intolerant. I can't say i was 100% tolerant before, but I've got a darn sight worse.
For example, on the car radio. If the dj is rabbeting on about something, i feel the need to swap channels, and when they repeat the same thing over and over........ i could murder!
Oh and when you see people being interviewed on the TV and they laugh for no reason.......
'So how long have you lived on the flood plains?'
'I moved here about 5 years ago, hahahahahaha.'
Why laugh?
In fact I'm intolerant about loads of stuff at the mo. The Kleeneze man called for the catalogue that he put through my door last week. Ive lived here for 9 months. Ive never ordered anything, yet he still gives me a catalogue. Sam actually threw it in the bin earlier this week!
Well i was in bed, being intolerant towards some chavs on Jeremy Kyle, and the door bell went. I rushed down stairs, nearly tripping over the dogs and opened the door to Mr Kleeneze.
'Ive come for the catalogue.'
I think the look i gave him was enough. He backed off saying, 'thats fine' when i almost shouted, 'I have no idea.......'
I think he'll think twice about calling at Number 65 again.
And of course, the nations hate........
The phone rings. You pick it up. 'Have you been missold a PPI?'
And theres always the lunatics on the road. Do you know, the other night on my way to work, the safety conscious driver in front of me actually stopped at a traffic light whilst it was still green! I know you have to think ahead, but thats ridiculous.
I know i hadn't been diagnosed with lymphoma at the time, but the door bell went, i rushed downstairs, barefoot,  treading in a dog poo on the way (bless the little puppy), limped to the front door and opened it a crack so the dog couldn't escape, to find a suited gentleman standing there with a copy of the Watchtower in his hand.
He smiled warmly. 'Can i ask you? Is Jesus relevant today?'
As i held my festering foot aloft, i heard myself say, 'Really? Absolutely not.' And again, a look to wilt a dandelion. And I wanted to say, 'unless he has a packet of wet wipes!'
I think I'm more intolerant on my first week of treatment, the second i tend to chill out a bit and don't get too phased by situations.
So today how do i feel? Other than intolerant!
I feel tired and weary. I have no appetite. A horrid taste in my mouth all the time. And very slightly headachy.
I look forward to tomorrow with the chance of feeling brighter.
Speak to you soon.

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