Friday, 31 January 2014


Im so grateful to be feeling a lot better. Still tired, but on the way back up. I find if i talk too much i get tired. Ok, ok, i hear you - shut up then. Still feel a little bit spacey, and headachy, but i don't care about that, i can cope.
My main issue is food!!! No change there then. Im hoping now I've finished my steroids for this cycle of chemo, i will stop feeling the need to eat anything that isn't screwed down.
Do you know what i did last night? Of course you don't, so that gives me the opportunity to tell you.
Well it started yesterday morning. I got in from work at 8.30am and had what has become my regular breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs and beans. I sat there all morning, doing what i do best, playing games on the laptop, chatting with friends online and answering txts and phone calls. I tried to think about what i actually fancied to eat. My taste buds have diminished somewhat and i feel theres a lot of things i can't stomach at the moment.  An ad came on the tv - burger and chips. My eyes nearly popped out of my head! I looked like Popeye with a thyroid problem. I haven't eaten a McD's for years.  But in the words of Kylie, 'I just can't get you outta my head!'
I carried on the day as 'normal', i had lunch, i had some pineapple, a cube of jelly for my nails, and then on my way to work, i stopped off at McD's. Quarterpounder and fries. Oh it was heavenly. Didn't taste of anything, but it hit the spot. I sat in Halfords carpark and wolfed it down like id not eaten in years. Well technically, i hadn't eaten a McD's in years!
So just had my last cooked brekky for now. Its time to behave. I will be incorporating fruit today, as i usually do.
Onwards and upwards.

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