Friday the 13th - unlucky for some!
But not for me!!
Ive had my 2nd check up this afternoon. Or as i like to call it, 'My rendez vous with Dr Jack!'
Luckily i managed to get in his room before he had time to order me on the scales, but then he remembered and dragged me back out to climb on the black box of terror!
He pointed out the figure on the black box of terror was in pounds and not kilos. I converted it for him..........8 stone 10 pounds. I don't think he believed me though.
He said it was very important i didn't lose weight.
I was able to reassure him!!!!
My ESR was raised by 2 points from my last appointment 3 months ago (now 51) but he wasn't bothered cos there were no other signs. If it had, or does in the future, go up to 75, he'll think about a scan.
He invited me on the couch where 'he could rummage!'
I told him it was the best offer id had all year.
We discussed my indigestion and i asked if he thought i could have a hiatus hernia. He replied, 'more than likely.'
He said to incline the head of my bed and i mentioned i live on a hill. That tickled him!
The appointment is always full of fun and laughter, and he always reassures me.
I left there on cloud 9.
And heres me on my 2nd check up. Looking a bit different to the last check up.
I realise i haven't posted this blog, and its the 1st of march today, so I'm gonna click on 'publish' and pretend were right back on the 13th feb! If only we could do that in real life. Im not sure which date id go back to, i may even go forward and see whats in store for me. Not sure thats a good idea!
I could find out i become a nun, or a lesbian, or maybe even a pole dancer. Id love to be able to swing around a pole gracefully! Knowing my luck the pole would snap and id fracture a femur!
Anyway, I'm waffling. Publish - click.